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Experienced Gardener Needed at Anglican Care: Apply Now!"

 How much should I pay a gardener per hour in Australia?

Around $50 to $70

What amount would it be a good idea for me to pay my landscaper each hour? The cost of hiring a gardener in Australia depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the work, the size of the garden, the tools used, and more. The total cost is raised by all of these factors. By and large, the expense of cultivating is around $50 to $70 for every hour.

Can I move to Australia as a gardener?

Nursery workers relocating to Australia are expected to acquire the Landscaper abilities evaluation for the Australian Talented Visa. Landscaper (General) ANZSCO Code 362211. Garderners in Australia plants, develops and keeps up with parks and gardens.

Is it hard to be a gardener?

Garderners work the entire year in certain areas and frequently work during awful climate. Maintaining landscapes and plants can be physically demanding. Proficient grounds-keepers need to have areas of strength for an ethic and be arranged every day for various difficulties.

What qualities do you need to be a gardener?

the capacity to do hard, actual work, such as digging, lifting and conveying. aptitude for working in teams. the capacity to follow architectural and landscape design plans and drawings. ability to calculate the required quantities of materials and measure accurately.

Are gardeners in demand UK?

The UK has experienced a severe shortage of skilled trade workers, which has resulted in an extremely high demand for trade jobs.

How much is a gardener paid in USA?

The typical nursery worker compensation in the USA is $39,000 each year or $18.75 each hour.


1. retrieved from the complete job description Worker help program

2. Insurance for health Services for insurance 

3. Parental leave

4. The referral program Packaging of salaries 

Complete job description The Opportunity:

1. We are searching for somebody with past involvement with cultivating/cultivation, with a scope of abilities to finish various positions.

2. You will work as part of our Property Services Team and start and end at our Maintenance Shed in Booragul. Working inside a group, you will be given devices and have utilization of an Anglican Consideration vehicle to ship you to different destinations over the course of the day.

Why join our team?

1. Bonuses for referrals $1,000 

2. Welcome bonus for Registered 

3 Medical caretakers joining on a super durable agreement

4. Any of our Newcastle Anglican schools can save up to 40 percent on enrollment fees. 

5. Options for salary packaging (up to $611 per week) 

6. Medibank  discounted

7. private health insurance Opportunities for professional growth and advancement—we want you to succeed!

8. Admittance to over 300+ exercise centers with the Wellness Identification Program

9. Free admittance to our corporate

10. Assistance Program for Employees 11 Paid parental leave for 14 weeks or paid partner leave for three weeks.

Responsibilities and Duties:

1. Mow, prune, and perform general garden maintenance on all Newcastle Anglican properties as routine garden and maintenance tasks.

2. Review and keep up with hardware in a perfect and clean condition and guarantee normal help happens. Where such is outside the specialized limit or capabilities, raise to your Boss and backing in obtaining contracted exchanges for the outer fix/administrations required.

3. Perform the necessary administrative tasks, such as keeping precise records of completed work and repairs. Use Mex service workflows effectively.

4. Make sure that every job is done safely and professionally.

5. Proactively informing residents of any potential service disruptions and communicating with them.


1. Least Class C ebb and flow drivers permit (required).

2. Excellent teamwork skills and the capacity to work independently or with others.

3. Great correspondences abilities and have the option to connect with more seasoned people.

4. Reliable and punctual.

5. Past involvement with a comparative job

6. Accreditation III in agriculture (attractive).

SALARY: $1,222 per month.


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